Red, green and blue

After a very nice May for the most part, June has been nothing but rain. Sometimes terrible torrential downpours, sometimes just annoying bursts here and there to ruin the day. I hate to complain about water when other parts of the country are dry, but my plants are drowning over here. It’s a good thing we put in the swales in May or it would be even worse.

In spite of all that, we are somehow getting our first crop of the sweetest strawberries we could hope for.


Don’t blink, you’ll miss them.


At least the cooler weather plants like it. The greens are going nuts.



Onions seem much happier in a raised bed than in the garden, to no one’s great surprise.


The hops have already made it nearly to the first wooden support.


The fifteen raspberry plants all made it and are getting plenty of leaves now. Here are 10 of them, they are even bigger today.


And finally a view of the orchard, where all of the trees seem to be relatively happy so far and surviving the onslaught of water.


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